2. Svadisthana Chakra

The sacral chakra, Svadhishthana, the ‘dwelling place of the self’ is associated with relationships, creativity, desires, sensuality and sexuality. Creative and procreative generativity is the task of this chakra.



It is the second chakra located in the pelvic area, near the genitals, 3 inches (around 7.5cm) below the navel.


Its element is water and the corresponding endocrine gland is the gonads (ovaries and testes).


Its colour is orange and its mantra is VAM.


Unbalanced Sacral chakra

An unbalanced Svadhishthana can result in:

  • exhibitionism

  • the extreme will to control things, people, events

  • sexual promiscuity

  • shame of the body, self, or sexuality

  • wild behaviour

  • shallow relationships

  • feeling inadequate

  • dependency

  • being controlled by your emotions

Balanced Sacral chakra

When Svadhishthana is balanced, you feel:

  • genuine intimacy

  • empathy towards others

  • generosity, willingness to share

  • creative and inspired

  • mutually empowering and harmonious relationships

  • pleasure

  • in touch with your emotions

  • you go with the flow

Affirmations to balance the Sacral chakra could be

  • I feel inspired and joyful

  • I am whole and complete

  • I unlock my creative potential

  • I am flowing with creative ideas

  • I deserve pleasure in my life

  • My sexuality is sacred

  • I nurture myself and others

Essential oils for the sacral chakra

  • orange

  • ylang ylang

  • sandalwood

  • cardamon

Meditation for your sacral chakra

Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position with your spine straight, or lie down in Savasana, Corpse Pose.

Take a few deep breaths through the nose to centre yourself and to start calming the mind.

Bring your awareness to the pelvic area and imagine a ball of bright orange light there. Keep breathing deeply and steadily through the nose. Visualise the ball of orange light growing, expanding and strengthening with each inhale.

You may feel the orange energy swirling clockwise and you may experience warmth or tingling in the pelvis and/or lower back. Keep breathing. Maintain your awareness on the energy and keep working on expanding it, for as long as you can.

When you wish to come out of the meditation, give gratitude for the experience and resume your day.

Journaling prompts to support your Svadhishthana

  • What do I value in my relationships?

  • What emotion do I primarily feel?

  • What is my favourite way of expressing myself creatively? How can I bring more of that into my life?

  • How can I honour my sexuality?

  • I feel beautiful when…

  • I feel inspired when…

Note: We store a lot of emotions in the hips and pelvic area. When we practise hip opening postures, it’s very common to feel emotional or vulnerable, as you release these built-up emotions. If that’s the case, take it easy, have a good cry if you need to and rest in Child pose (Balasana) for as long as you need).

Half Light Studio